Movies, Online

30 Films from the Terror Films Catalog Are Coming to Screambox

In an effort to expand the digital footprint of their ever-growing library of indie horror films, Terror Films has licensed 30 films to leading horror streaming service Screambox.

“Screambox is one of the leading streaming services dedicated to bringing a wide variety of diverse genre films to diehard horror fans so this partnership was a no-brainer for us,” stated Terror Films President, Joe Dain.

The films will include some of Terror Films’ top performing titles and critically acclaimed documentaries, including Stephen Cognetti’s original terror-fueled Hell House LLC, the horror anthology Patient Seven, the exciting Dead Body and the in-depth documentary Unearthed & Untold: The Path to Pet Sematary. Also included will be a number of newer titles such as Justin Seaman’s ‘80s throwback slasher The Barn and the mysterious What the Waters Left Behind. The full slate of films can be seen below and at Screambox.

Image of the Terror Films coming to Screambox

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