
John Carpetner’s ‘Halloween’ Getting a Tabletop Game from Trick or Treat Studios

Trick or Treat Studios has opened pre-orders for a new tabletop game inspired by John Carpenter’s 1978 horror classic, “Halloween.”

The new game, scheduled to be released in August, is a one-versus-many game where one player takes on the role of Michael Myers, and the other players take on the part of Laurie Strode and her friends. Details on gameplay at this point are limited, but we know the game is a hidden movement game where Laurie and her friends must scramble to find weapons, the kids, and a way to escape, all while being stalked by The Shape, who can only be seen when you’re looking directly at him.

Halloween tabletop game from Trick or Treat Studios
(Image: Trick Or Treat Studios)

Renowned game designer Emerson Matsuuchi created the “Halloween” game marking the first time the original “Halloween” film has been adapted into a board game. The game is made for three to four players, with each gaming session lasting about an hour. The game is available for pre-order now from Trick or Treat Studios for $59.95.

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