
New ‘Stranger Things’ Comic Series Will Chronicle Dustin’s Time at Camp Know Where

Stranger Things: Science Camp comic book covers

The third season of Netflix’s “Stranger Things” began with Dustin returning home from science camp. Not much was revealed about his experience at camp other than he built “the Cadillac of ham radios” and it’s where he met his “Neverending Story” duet partner and alleged girlfriend Suzie. This fall, we’ll find out everything Camp Know Where had to offer when Dark Horse Comics kicks off a new four-part comic series, “Stranger Things: Science Camp.”

Written by Jody Houser, who has penned each of the Dark Horse “Stranger Things” comics to date, the series will chronicle what happened during Dustin’s time at science camp.

Dustin arrives at Camp Know Where to navigate the new social hierarchy without the support of his Hawkins adventuring party. While also faced with nerdy bullies, a new menace haunts the young scientists and camp counselors. A mysterious figure with sinister intent arrives to disrupt the serene woodland scene. The solution won’t take rocket science, but Dustin will have to get on the same wavelength as the other campers before tensions reach a boiling point.

The 32-page first issue “Terror At Camp Know Where” will hit local comic shops on September 30, 2020 and is available for pre-order now. The first issue will feature cover variants from artists Viktor Kalvachev, Kyle Lambert, and Francisco Ruiz.

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