
State Senator Proposes to Make the Day After Halloween a School Holiday

Kids getting ready to trick or treat

Over the last few years, there has been a lot of effort to try and move Halloween from October 31 to the last Saturday of the month. The idea began in 2018 with a Connecticut radio host and then gained significant momentum in 2019 thanks to an aggressive effort from the non-profit Halloween & Costume Association. The reason which is often cited for moving the holiday is the hardships the holiday causes parents and students when Halloween falls on a weeknight. Now one Florida senator is looking to address the issue without ruining the tradition of Halloween by proposing that November 1 be a school holiday.

The bill, which was filed on Monday by Sen. Annette Taddeo of Miami, says that each school district would designate the day after Halloween as a school holiday, unless Halloween lands on a Friday or a Saturday.

The bill was created in part thanks to a number of student-driven Change.org petitions in Florida proposing the post-Halloween school holiday. The bill will be up for consideration during the legislative session that starts on January 14 and if passed would go into effect on July 1, 2020.

While this is obviously something that for the moment would only impact Florida, the rest of us can at least be hopeful that if it passes, other states may follow suit.

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