Clothing, Accessories, & Cosmetics

Death Wish Cofee Releases Shirt Featuring Their ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ Inspired Valentine’s Day Image

Last month, Death Wish Coffee released its special Valentine’s Day Undying Love Mug. Inspired by Bride of Frankenstein, the green ceramic mug features Frankenstein’s monster and his bride inside a modified version of the Death Wish Coffee logo where the coffee beans have been replaced by stitched up hearts. Now, the coffee maker has released a shirt featuring the same design.

Printed in red and green on a black tee, the shirt is the perfect way to share your undying love for coffee and classic monsters, or as a unique way to share you undying love for someone special.

The shirt is available in unisex sizes from small to up to 5X and is just $19.99 on the Death Wish Coffee website. Pair it with the mug, which is still available, and your order will be enough to qualify for free shipping in the U.S.

Death Wish Coffee's Valentine's Day Undying Love t-shirt featuring Frankenstein's monster and his bride
(Photo: Death Wish Coffee)
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