Toys & Collectibles

LEGO Unveils Stranger Things ‘The Upside Down’ Deluxe Playset

After a week of speculation, numerous teases, and even a handful of internet leaks featuring both low resolution and high-resolution photos of the set, LEGO has finally officially announced a “Stranger Things” building set using a retro style commercial shared on social media.

The 2,287 piece set recreates the Byer’s house from season one of the Netflix Original Series in both the real world and The Upside Down and is sturdy enough to flip between the real world and The Upside Down. The house features Will’s bedroom, the living room and the dining room. The Upside Down version of the house features all the rooms from the real-world model but with a dark, vine-covered, dilapidated look. The house features a number of authentic details plucked straight from the show.

LEGO Stranger Things "The Upside Down" Deluxe Playset
(Image: LEGO)

In the living room you’ll find the alphabet wall with a light-up function, couch, coffee table, telephone, axe, ‘have you seen me?’ flyer stickered element and a bear trap to catch the Demogorgon.

LEGO Stranger Things Byers House Living Room
(Image: LEGO)

In Will’s bedroom, you’ll find Will’s boombox, bed, desk, desk lamp, drawings and movie posters.

LEGO Stranger Things Byers House Will's Room
(Image: LEGO)

The dining room includes an armchair, boxes that store Christmas lights, fantasy game rule book stickered element and a potted plant.

LEGO Stranger Things Byers House Dining Room
(Image: LEGO)

The attic space includes a Mind Flayer drawing stickered element and a wizard hat for ‘Will the Wise’.

The set comes with 8 character minifigures including Eleven, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will, Joyce, Chief Hopper and the Demogorgon, as well as Chief Hopper’s police truck.

The set is available now to LEGO VIP Members and will be released to the public on June 1, 2019. The set retails for $199.99 and is a LEGO Shop exclusive.

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