
New Book Explores the Things That Haunt Flint Beyond Its Water Crisis

Ghosts, curses, and a trickster God aren’t typically what comes to mind when you hear Flint, Michigan in 2019, but that’s exactly what’s being explored in a new book titled “Haunted Flint.” In it readers will learn of the history and lore behind the city made famous by an unfortunate water crisis.

Written by local Flint authors Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani, the book is the latest in Arcadia Publishing’s Haunted America series and is set to be released on September 2, 2019.

Home to ancient burial grounds, unsolved murders, economic depression and a water crisis, Flint emits an unholy energy rife with ghostly encounters. Authors Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani take readers on a chilling tour of Flint’s most haunted locations and explore some of the lore that suggests the locations name, or a massacre of the Sauks tribe could have something to do with the number of supposed hauntings in the city as well as its string of unfortunate events.

Haunted Flint book cover
ISBN: 9781467143042 | $21.99 | 160 pp. | Paperback Available: September 2, 2019


  1. Did they include The Capitol Theatre? Hope so! If not, due diligence was not carried out.

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