Toys & Collectibles

GameStop Unveils ‘IT’ and ‘Stranger Things’ Summer Convention Exclusives

GameStop announced pre-orders for its Summer Convention Exclusives today and among the items available are new Pennywise and Stranger Things figures.

From NECA toys, GameStop’s first exclusive is an Ultimate Pennywise 7 inch figure of the terrifying clown from the 2017 film IT.  Unique to GameStop version is the exclusive bloody paint deco, an exclusive Pennywise head sculpt, an exclusive red I Heart Derry’ balloon and Georgie’s Severed arm.

GameStop Exclusive NECA Pennywise 7 Inch Figure with alternate head and hands

For fans of the hit Netflix series Stranger Things, GameStop has two Summer Convention exclusives from McFarlane Toys.  The first is a four figure set featuring Dustin, Mike, Will, and Lucas in ther Ghostbusters costumes from Stranger Things 2.

GameStop Exclusive Stranger Things 2 Ghostbusters Costume 4 Pack Figure Set

Though she left us in the first season of Stranger Things, Barb is back in this all-new GameStop exclusive Summer Convention action figure.  Also by McFarlane Toys, this 7 inch figure features 12 plus points of articulation and features a stylized Stranger Things branded disk base and is showcased in retro themed packaging.

7 Inch action figure of Barb from Stranger Things

You can check out and pre-order these and the rest of the GameStop Summer Convention Exclusives here.

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