
Schwinn Has Released A Limited Edition Replica of Mike’s Bike from Stranger Things

Schwinn Bikes has released a limited edition collectible bike modeled after the bicycle Mike rides on the Netflix series Stranger Things.

Schwinn Stranger Things Bike

The limited edition bicycle costs $379.99 plus state tax and a flat rate shipping of $15 and features a springer front suspension fork, banana-style saddle, classic high rise ape bars, “sissy bar,” rear pegs, coaster brake, front light, a bell and the Stranger Things logo on the chain guard.

Schwinn began taking orders for the bikes today and as of this evening said that “only a few” of the 500 bikes are still available.  If you’re looking to buy the bike you won’t be able to buy it online or at your local bike shop, instead, you’ll need to call 1-800-SCHWINN.  Phone lines are closed for the night, but will re-open tomorrow at 8 AM central.

If calling an 800 number to order a bike feels super 80’s, you wouldn’t be mistaken. The mock commercial created by Schwinn to promote the bike feels just like those commercials from the 80’s where you’d have to call an 800 number to buy, complete with poor video quality and muffled audio.

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