Toys & Collectibles

Build Your Own Reversible Castle Byers from ‘Stranger Things’ With These Instructions from The Brothers Brick

The Brothers Brick Presents Castle Byers Instructions

Earlier this year LEGO released the “Stranger Things” The Upside Down Deluxe Playset and while they’ve since had an in-store build and released directions for a Castle Byers, The Brothers Brick have released instructions for a model build that’s more stylistically like The Upside Down Playset.

Like The Upside Down, the instructions from The Brothers Brick creates a normal version of Castle Byers atop an upside-down version of the hideout where Will Byers’ spent much of season one of “Stranger Things” hiding out from the Demogorgon.

The build is built to minifigure scale and was created in the same style as the official “The Upside Down” set. You can download a PDF of the instructions from or download the Bricklink Studio digital file from the brothers brick post announcing the build.

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