Art, Games

There’s An Artist Turning Your Favorite Video Game Characters Into Nightmare Fuel

When we think of video games of the 80’s and 90’s we picture pixelated, colorful, little creatures dancing and moving to a midi track. But artist Shamanther Getz has taken those typically innocent looking characters like Toad and Sonic and turned them into the stuff of Nightmares by making literal interpretations of the characters. One thing’s for sure, after seeing these, you’ll never look at these characters the same.

Toad from Super Mario Bros. drawn literally by Sham Getz
Goombas from Super Mario Bros. drawn literally by Sham Getz
Yoshi from the Super Mario games drawn literally by Sham Getz
Kirby drawn literally by Sham Getz
Oakin from the Zelda games drawn literally by Sham Getz
Sonic the Hedgehod drawn literally by Sham Getz

This is just a smapling of Getz’s work. You can see more nightmare fuel on Instagram where the artist has created characters from other games like Cuphead, Pikmin, Pokemon and more. There are also literal interpretations of some of the webs most notorious memes. My personal favorite from that bunch is the KFC Bone Demon.

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